Author: Śniadecki Jędrzej , 1768 - 1838
Title: Teoria jestestw organicznych Wilno TI, TII, TIII.
Title in English: Theory of Organic Entities Vilnius VI, VII, VIII.
Published: Wilno: Nakładem Rubena Rafałowicza Księgarza Wileńskiego, 1838 (II edition).
Format: T. III. 226 p.
Binding: contemporary binding.
“Organic field theory" (first edition, 1804-1814, 2 T.) - one of the first textbooks on biology and biochemistry in the world. The second edition of this work was published in Vilnius in 1838, shortly after the death Śniadecki (in the same year). Thick second volume has been split into two: the new second volume contains chapters XIV-XXVIII, and III - Chapters XXIX to the XLI. 3 volumes, numbering a total of 683 pages, was published by the Printing house by the effort Rafałowicz Reuben, bookseller in Vilnius. On the title page instead of a quote from John Kochanowski was updated a profile of the author: "radzcę stanu, akademika i professora w Cesarskiéj Medyko-Chirurgicznéj Akademii Wileńskiéj, kawalera orderów Świętéj Anny drugiéj klassy z Cesarską Koroną i Świętego Włodzimiérza trzeciego stopnia, członka wielu towarzystw uczonych”. Volume III, numbering 226 pages, describing human physiology and includes: "The message of the life and writings of Jędrzej Sniadecki" - numbering 14 pages biography of the author "List of subscribers" - counting 4 page list of a few hundred people who paid for this release. Two booksellers Warsaw: Jan Glüksberg and Merzbach ordered 50 copies.
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 181.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 180-181.